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About Josettes Place

Written by Administrator

Sunday, 30 Oct 2011

An eclectic collection of websites. Find websites from automotive to webtools to explore.

Each tab: automotive, banking and careers, free stuff, health, kids, news, photography, shopping, sports, travel, and webtools, contains fun facts and lists of websites to visit regarding that topic.

Want to research new cars? Go to the automotive page.

Want to travel and not sure where to go or what to do? Check out the travel page.

This website, which started in 1998, is a personal site that lets me explore my creative web skills.
My passion is helping people get out of financial chaos. Are you a money saver? Or do you live paycheck to paycheck wondering where all the money went each month?

Woman's Guide to

Money Freedom

Written by Administrator

Thursday, 30 November 2022

Need help managing your finances?

Not sure where to start. Consider following the advice in a basic finance book like Woman's Guide to Money Freedom: Saving, Investing and Building Wealth for beginners. The book is written by a woman for women in an easy to read format. Check it out by clicking on the link. Newest update to Money is Freedom.